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Elmstead Primary School

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Welcome to our class page.

Here you will find lots of information relating to our class as well as some of our amazing work.

PE Days 



PE will take place on a Friday during the Autumn term. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit. 





We send out homework on Fridays. Our Phonics homework follows up what we have done in class during the week. Every two weeks we send home maths homework which needs to be returned by the following Thursday. Alongside our Phonics and maths homework, we ask you to listen to your child read daily and to record it in their reading diary. 

Click here for the Homework Schedule for Class R

What are we learning?



Please find below our parent overview for the Autumn Term. 
Class R Parent Overview Spring 2025




Please find below some useful information to help you support your child with Phonics.








Here are some useful videos which can help you to support your child in maths.