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Elmstead Primary School

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At Elmstead Primary School we expect everyone to show mutual respect and believe that everyone should be given opportunities to grow academically, socially, morally, culturally and spiritually.

  • We will encourage a ‘Growth Mindset’ in all members of the School community.
  • We will acknowledge effort and achievement.
  • We will compliment one another and celebrate and be inspired by others’ successes.
  • We will be sensitive to each other's needs and encourage independence.
  • We will show our humanity whilst giving each other time and listening to one another.
  • We will greet each other with a smile and behave in a friendly way towards one another.
  • We will value good manners and presentation.

Through our values of: Courage, Open-Mindedness, Nurture, Endeavour, Communication and Teamwork, we will help prepare children positively for life in modern Britain and promote democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.


Mr I. MacDonald - Headteacher

Mrs. H. Upston - Deputy Headteacher

Mrs P. Lewis - Chair of Governors


To compare the performance of Elmstead Primary School with other schools nationally click on the link below:
