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Year 5 

Here you will find lots of information relating to our class, alongside some of our fantastic work!


PE Days



Please note for Spring 1 our PE days are Monday (gymnastics) and Friday (hockey). 







Homework is set on a Friday and due on the following Thursday. All homework is set using Atom Learning.


Click here to take you to Atom Learning.


Click here for the Homework Schedule for Class 5.


Parent Overview




Click on the attachment to see the Spring Term Curriculum Overview.

Class 5 Parent Overview Spring Term 2024






Take a look at our recommended reads...

Year 5 Recommended Reads






In the Spring term, we will be working on improving our writing through learning about narratives, non-chronological reports, poetry and balanced arguments.


 Use the writer's toolkit below to support you with your writing.Writer's Toolkit






To see the Spelling Progression Document, click here and see Stage 5.


Click here to take you to the Spelling Shed website.



Click the document below to see the statutory spellings for Year 5 and 6.

Year 5 and 6 Statutory Spellings






Here are some Maths booklets that might help you recap a skill we have been looking at in class:

Place value

Addition and subtraction


Multiplication and division (Autumn)

Perimeter and area

Multiplication and division (Spring)

Fractions (a)

Fractions (b)

Decimals and percentages

Properties of shape

Position and direction

Converting units



Click here to take you to the TTRS website.


Generating vivid vocabulary about Ancient Egyptian cities
Representing numbers using different representations in Maths
Creating a life-size 17th century map of Colchester during our Siege of Colchester Day